Energy Saving Tips for the Garden

Although many good things happen during summer, all these come at a cost. Energy and water bills tend to soar up during the summer season. This is mostly because many people use electricity to pump water to their lawns, gardens included. While watering your garden helps bring it to life, some energy and water can be wasted in the process. Although the garden may be producing more regarding harvest, using energy-efficient pumps and taking on smart landscaping design can help save energy. Here are a few tips on how to save energy in the garden.


Following responsible watering practices can help reduce wastage of water in the garden. For instance, it's advisable to water your plants during the coolest part of the day, mainly early in the morning or later in the evening after sunset. You should also consider setting sprinklers to water the desired regions with just the right amount of water. Collect rainwater in tanks and barrels, then use it to water both indoor and outdoor plants. Take some time to check faucets, hoses, and plumbing for leaks.

2.Mowing and Equipment

Set the mower's cutting height a bit higher during hot summer months. This should leave enough shade for the roots, as well as prevent excessive loss of water through evaporation. Leaving the grass longer also inhibits weed growth, which again reduces competition for water. The EPA also recommends keeping all your mowing equipment in tip-top condition. Manual tools are also recommended for they do not require any energy, neither do they pollute the environment. Borrow or hire larger equipment should you need to till the land. This should save you lots of energy, money, and resources.

3.Pesticides, Soil Amendment, and Weed Control

Instead of using toxic pesticides and herbicides, consider introducing aphids, plant marigolds, and ladybugs to keep beetles and other insects away. You should also introduce fast-growing plants to help suppress weed growth in the garden too. Doing this should help reduce competition for water, hence less water needed in the garden. You could also increase the soil's water retention capacity through mulching. Shredded leaves and wood chips make perfect mulch for the garden.

4.Planting and Landscaping

According to the U.S Department of Energy, greenscaping and proper land design can help make your garden more energy efficient. One way to improve efficiency in your garden is growing plants that thrive in your region or microclimate. The garden also needs to be landscaped in such a way that, most of the water reaches all the plants without running off. Planting trees around the garden can also help reduce heat, wind, and even provide shade for both the plants and soil. This should go a long way in lowering your water and energy bills.

5. Lights and Heaters

If you have outdoor lights and heaters then you should be sure that they are turned off whenever they are not in use. Additionally, a lot of these items have become a lot more efficient in recent years, with lights using LEDs to cut down on energy. Needless to say use a site like Simply Switch to ensure energy costs are low too.

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Ingrid Thompson